Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing, Psychedelic Psychotherapy

heart Cards

Heart Cards are a set of 28 cards that have been developed to address positive body image and self esteem. The are a tool that can be used in many different ways. With vibrant images and meaningful affirmations these cards are perfect to be used individually, with in a group or organisation.  


Meditation MP3's

These meditation MP3's may be the perfect start to tap into the many services and resources that Creating Pathways has to offer. Starting with a meditation audio can give you a sense of relaxation and can allow you to develop the necessary skills to combat stressful or anxious moments. 


You have escaped the cage,

You're wings are outstretched,

Now fly....


Resources creatingpathways newcastle.jpg

Heart Cards

 Heart Cards are a set of 28 cards that include 28 original artworks that focus on positive body image and self esteem. Becky's passion as a therapist is to support clients with eating disorders and most importantly to contribute to the prevention of eating disorders. Heart Cards have evolved from her commitment and deep yearning for a shift in the current culture that portrays disturbing and unhealthy messages about body image. Each card offers an affirmation of an inner strength along with a reflection or action step that empowers the reader to explore this strength in a personal and meaningful way.


Heart Cards have multiple layers embedded within and can be used in many ways by individuals, organisations, therapists, health workers and families.